Thursday 16 August 2012

A writing exercise for you!

Words Often Confused

The following posts will be pairs of words from Set 1 chapter 1 of our class text. For each set I will write the rule and you will be required to demonstrate your understanding of the concept by writing an original sentence for each word in the set. Don’t do the math; it will seem larger than it is. Take it one pair at a time and “poof” you are done!

Use an before a word that begins with a vowel sound ( a,e,I,o, plus u when it sounds like uh) or silent h. Note that it’s not the letter but the sound of the letter that matters.

An apple,
an essay,
an inch,
an onion,
an umpire,
an ugly design (the u’s sound like uh)

Use a before a word that begins with a consonant sound (all the sounds except the vowels, plus u or eu when they sound like you).

a chart,
a pie,
a history book (The h is not silent in history)
a union,
a uniform,
a unit (The u’s sound like you)
a European vacation, a euphemism (EU sounds like you)”

Review and when you are ready write 1 sentence for each word.

The words in this post are:



  1. a:The citrus workers didnt think about joining a union.

    an:My teacher told me to write an essay on the September Celebrations.

    1. Good sentences Arlien but review sentence 1 "didnt" then re-post.

  2. A:
    I really need a history book.

    Your shirt has an ugly design.

    1. :-) Good sentences Marquis. In sentence one, what kind of book? Review and re-post.

  3. A:
    There is a mouse in the house.
    We have been entered in an extreme bike race.

  4. The term "to pass away" is an example of a euphemism

    My skirt was sewed an inch above my knee.

  5. A:I need a drink.
    An:I need a drink an some fries to eat.
