Wednesday 19 September 2012

Exercise 3 pg 26

The following is Exercise 3 taken from page 26 of your text. Please follow the instructions and post your responses below in the comment box.

“Label the parts of speech above all of the words in the following sentences using the abbreviations n, pro, adj, v, adv, prep, conj, and interj. For clarity’s sake, the sentences here are very brief, and you may ignore the words a, an, and the. Refer back to the definitions and examples of the parts of speech whenever necessary. When in doubt, leave a word unmarked until you check the answers at the back of the book after each set of ten sentences.”

1. Pigeons have a built-in compass in their brains.

2. This compass points them in the right direction as they fly.

3. Recently, pigeon experts in England conducted a study of these birds.

4. The study tracked the flights of certain pigeons for two years.

5. The results were very surprising.

6. Modern pigeons usually ignored their inner compasses.

7. They navigated by other methods instead.

8. The pigeons simply looked down and followed human highways.

9. They remembered roads from previous flights and took the same roads home again.

10. The pigeons even traced the roads’ turns, curves, and roundabouts as they flew.

Source: The Daily Telegraph, February 6, 2004

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