Tuesday 4 September 2012

Reading Activity click Play to listen to this post

Read the following passage taken from Sociology, 4th Edition page 424, then comment on your initial thoughts.

Does it relate to our Belizean society?

State the points you agree with then justify your agreement

We will discuss the passage further as a class and follow up with a few questions that you will do individually. Be sure you attend class on Wednesday as it is not a holiday and I expect everyone to be present and on time.

_____________________________________________________________ One of the major processes that take place in schools, of course, is that students learn. When they graduate from high school, many can use a computer, write essays with three-part theses, and differentiate equations. In addition to learning specific skills, they also undergo a process of cognitive development wherein their mental skills grow and expand. They learn to think critically, to weigh evidence, to develop independent judgment. The extent to which this development takes place is related to both school and home environments.

An impressive set of studies demonstrates that cognitive development during the school years is enhanced by complex and demanding work without close supervision and by high teacher expectations. Teachers and curricula that furnish this setting produce students who have greater intellectual flexibility and higher achievement test scores. They are also more open to new ideas, less authoritarian, and less prone to blind conformity.

Unfortunately, the availability of these ideal learning conditions varies by students' social class. Studies show that teachers are most demanding when they are of the same social class as their students. The greater the difference between their own social class and that of their pupils, the more rigidly they structure their classrooms and the fewer demands they place on their students. As a result, students learn less when they come from a social class lower than that of their teacher. The social class gap tends to be largest when youngsters are the most disadvantaged, and this process helps to keep them disadvantaged.

Brinkerhoff, David B., White, Lynn K., and Riedmann, Agnes C.1997. Sociology, 4th Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth (page 424) ____________________________________________________________

Hint! Hint!

I am considering a make-up comprehension activity!

Don't miss your opportunity to earn a few extra points. Notice: Your comprehension Quiz grades have been posted and can be viewed in Engrade.


  1. Yes it does relate to our Belizean Society. The points i agree with were: One of the major processes that take place in schools, of course, is that students learn.When they graduate from high school, many can use a computer, write essays with three-part theses, and differentiate equations. In addition to learning specific skills, they also undergo a process of cognitive development wherein their mental skills grow and expand. I agreed with these points cause they all are true about students in this day and time. They definitely learn at school, they also are capable of using computers, be able to write a essays with three-part theses and all differentiate equations when it comes to school work. They are also able to gain skills, they also undergo a process of cognitive development wherein their mental skills grow and expand.All of these point also refers to our Belizean students.

    1. Very true Jovannie. Please note my recommendations.
      1. Capitalization “I”
      2. “” Use quotation when extracting exact text from any document.
      3. Note the use /misuse of cause and because.
      4. Place a space after the end of a sentence.

      You are doing a great job. Just try to review prior to posting.

  2. I would say that in some parts, and few of these statements are true in today's day and that they apply to what we are now living in our society. I would also go as far as to say that yes social class has a lot of influence in our schools, and that yes The greater the difference between the teacher's and the pupil social status, so is the interest that the teacher have towards the student. The more rigidly they structure their classrooms and the fewer demands they place on their students.
    "As a result, students learn less when they come from a social class lower than that of their teacher." however this statement is not always true; many people that come from lower social class they tend to pursue a better education, in order for them to come out of poverty and leave it behind. Even though these student face many challenges due to their limitations and social disadvantage.

    1. Thank you Danuska. Please note the following in relation to your paragraph.
      1. Fragments
      2. Punctuation (, ; “”)
      3. has/have
      4. wordiness

      I think you are doing a great job!

  3. I think it relates to Belizean society.I agree that when students graduate from high school they are able to do many things like use a computer or write a theses and etc.I diagree that some students learn less when they come from lower social class lower than their teacher.It is not suppose to be a disadvantage it is suppose to be a motivation.If a students wants to accomplish something their should be no complain about social advantages.

    1. Arlien I love that you shared points that you agreed with as well as those that you are in disagreement with. If you support those points with points of your own your paragraph would pop. Note:
      1. Punctuation "" when quoting from the passage.Use ; , when needed
      2. Past tense ed
      3. Fragment -last sentence
