Wednesday 19 September 2012

Writing component to Reading Activity 3

Reading Activity 3 continued.. After discussing our Reading Activity 3 last week I gave a writing assignment.

You were to write the fourth paragraph to complete the piece.

Please post your paragraph below. Be sure to review your work prior to posting.


  1. In Belize the learning conditions does not vary by the students' social class. In Belize most teachers and students are of the same race and class. Even so if the teacher is in a higher class than the student it doesn't affect the students learning. In Belize your color, class or wealth doesn't matter when it comes to school. Everyone is treated the same and everyone teaches the same. We don't worry if its a Spanish teacher the students will be uncomfortable. No, the teacher adjusts to the students learning style and helps everyone, no one is left behind in school work. We work as one. So when it comes to social class various by students social class it is not for Belize.

  2. I believe that in any country the learning conditions varies by students social class.In Belize we experience and see it.If you want to achieve something in life students most make sacrifices.A teacher once said to me that there is a solution to every problem.Teachers should be demanding if the students are of the same social class.At the same time it is not there problem to hold back for students that are not of the same social class.It is our duty to find ways or friends that can help make it easier in school and to learn.Students need to stop making excuses and do what they need to do because its in there interest not the teacher.
